Countdown to Lunar New Year!
Free Lapis Daily Summon

Countdown to Lunar New Year!
Free Lapis Daily Summon

Players will be able to perform a free Lapis summon once every day to obtain free lapis!

[Different Prize Tiers]
1st 10,000 lapis
2nd 5,000 lapis
3rd 1,000 lapis
4th 500 lapis
5th 300 lapis
6th 100 lapis
7th 50 lapis

[Summon Period]
From Friday, 1/25 00:00 - start of maintenance, Thursday, 2/7 (PST)

Find the Countdown to Lunar New Year!
Free Lapis Daily Summon here!

Head over to the Summon screen, select the Standard Summon tab and tap on the Countdown to Lunar New Year! Free Lapis Daily Summon banner.

* This screenshot is a sample image.