Defiance of Fate Community Challenge Reward - Free Lapis Daily Summon

[Free Lapis Daily Summon]

Thanks to the hard work of the community, players will be able to perform a free lapis summon once every day to obtain free lapis for the next 2 weeks!

[Available Reward Tiers]

1st 10000 lapis
2nd 5000 lapis
3rd 3000 lapis
4th 1000 lapis
5th 500 lapis
6th 300 lapis
7th 100 lapis

[Summon Period]
End of maintenance, Thursday, 2/27 PST - Start of maintenance, Wednesday, 3/11 PDT

[Find the Free Lapis Daily Summon here!]

Head over to the Summon screen, select the Limited Summon tab and tap on the Free Lapis Daily Summon banner.

* This screenshot is a sample image.