VIP Coin Update

[Update 1/14]

The current Expedition milestone rewards will be resetting on Friday 1/15 as usual. For the subsequent week, rewards will be resetting at the start of maintenance, 1/20. Expedition milestone rewards from 1/21 onwards will reset every Thursday 00:00 PST.

VIP Coins will be included as both Expeditions and Rewards Wheel milestone rewards from 1/21!

In preparation for this change, we will be resetting the Expeditions and the Rewards Wheel as follows.

We will be adjusting the reset timing of the Expeditions from every Friday to every Thursday. This will take effect on 1/14. As compensation for the timing shift, we will be distributing Advance Token x120 to all players at the end of maintenance, Thursday, 1/14 PST.

We will also be resetting any progress towards the treasure chest for the Rewards Wheel on 1/21. We will be compensating all players with 500 lapis at the end of maintenance, Thursday, 1/21 PST.

Thank you for playing