Featured Summon

Ticket Exchange (Dazzling Demoness)

An Exchange Ticket (Dazzling Demoness) can be acquired on the 6th step of the FFII Step-Up Summon.

Trade one Exchange Ticket (Dazzling Demoness)
for the vision card, Dazzling Demoness, in the
Ticket Exchange (Dazzling Demoness)!

[Exchange Shop]

Introducing the
Ticket Exchange (Dazzling Demoness),
available from Thursday, 6/16!

* Refer to the Vision Cards: New Arrival! news for more information regarding the vision card, Dazzling Demoness.
** The Exchange Ticket (Dazzling Demoness) will no longer be usable past the start of maintenance, Wednesday, 7/6 PDT.

[Find the Exchange Shop here!]

* This screenshot is a sample image.
** Only the vision card mentioned above will be available for exchange.